Tag: Bali
Utilizing the Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structure (ARMS) to study the temporal variation of benthic community on coral reef ecosystems in Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia
MABBI – Research conducted by Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani from Diponegoro University entitled Utilizing the Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structure (ARMS) to study the temporal variation of benthic community on coral reef ecosystems in Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia Tracking changes in community composition in the coral reef ecosystem is essential, mainly to understand the complexities of the…
Utilizing the Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structure (ARMS) to study the temporal variation of benthic community on coral reef ecosystems in Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia
MABBI – Research conducted by Andrianus Sembiring1 Muhammad Danie Al Malik1.7, Agus Wahyudi2, Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani1,3, Ni Putu Dian Pertiwi1,4, Ni Luh Astria Yusmalinda1, Eka Maya Kurniasih1,5, Enex Yuniarti Ningsih1, Aji Wahyu Anggoro1,6 from 1.Biodiversitas Indonesia (BIONESIA), Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 2.Department of Marine Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia 3.Biology Department, Faculty of Science and…