Tag: Indonesia
Identification of Significant Proteins in Hypertension Using The Clustering Molecular Complex Detection (MCODE) Method
MABBI – Research conducted by Lusi Agus Setiani, Wisnu Ananta Kusuma, and Silvia Alviani Zulkarnaen from Bogor Agricultural University and Pakuan University entitled Identification of Significant Proteins in Hypertension Using The Clustering Molecular Complex Detection (MCODE) Method. Hypertension is a condition where the systolic blood pressure value is more than 140 mmHg and the diastolic…
Frederick Soddy
MABBI – Federick Soddy, putra Benjamin Soddy, seorang pedagang London, lahir di Eastbourne, Sussex, Inggris, pada tanggal 2 September 1877. Ia menempuh pendidikan di Eastbourne College dan University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Pada tahun 1895 ia memperoleh beasiswa di Merton College, Oxford, dari mana ia lulus dari Universitas pada tahun 1898 dengan penghargaan kelas satu…
Antioxidant Capacity and Phytochemical Profile of Punica granatum L. Peel Extracts Using Different Solvent Extraction.
MABBI – Research conducted by Mohamad Rafi, Laela Wulansari, Dewi A Septaningsih, Tsania F Purnomo, Reza Auliatifani, Auliya Ilmiawati, Wina Yulianti, Nunuk K Nengsih, Irma H Suparto, and Wisnu A Kusuma from IPB University entitled Antioxidant Capacity and Phytochemical Profile of Punica granatum L. Peel Extracts Using Different Solvent Extraction. Pomegranate is known to have…
Gerhard Carl Schmidt
MABBI – Schmidt lahir di London dari orang tua berkebangsaan Jerman. Ia belajar kimia dan pada tahun 1890 menerima gelar PhD untuk bekerja dengan Georg Wilhelm August Kahlbaum. Pada tahun 1898, dua bulan sebelum Marie Curie, Schmidt menemukan bahwa thorium bersifat radioaktif. Schmidt meninggal karena stroke di Münster 16 Oktober 1949. Meski lahir di Inggris,…
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Phenotypes Association Using Gradient Boosting
MABBI – Research conducted by Aulia Fadli, Lailan Sahrina Hasibuan, Wisnu Ananta Kusuma, and Rudi Heryanto from IPB University entitled Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Phenotypes Association Using Gradient Boosting. Precision medicine is a medical field that aims to provide disease treatment according to an individual’s genetic information, environment and lifestyle. Recently,…
Potential use of compounds from sea cucumbers as MDM2 and CXCR4 inhibitors to control cancer cell growth
MABBI – Research conducted by Teresa Liliana Wargasetia, Sofy Permana and Nashi Widodo from Maranatha Christian University, and The University of Brawijaya entitled Potential use of compounds from sea cucumbers as MDM2 and CXCR4 inhibitors to control cancer cell growth. Ineffectiveness of cancer therapy may originate in the incompatibility of the treatment with various mutations…
Gabriel Andral
MABBI – Gabriel Andral adalah pendiri ilmu hematologi dan berjasa atas integrasi ilmu tersebut ke dalam kedokteran klinis dan investigatif. Ia dikenal karena membuat katalog penyakit kandung kemih yang paling penting dan dikatakan sebagai pencetus kata anemia dan hiperemia. Ia juga merupakan dokter pertama yang melihat potensi analisis kimia darah. Andral lahir di Paris, putra…
Drug-Target Visualization on IJAH Analytics Using Sankey Diagram
MABBI – Research conducted by Muh Fadhil Al-Haaq Ginoga, Rina Trisminingsih, and Wisnu Ananta Kusuma from IPB University entitled Drug-Target Visualization on IJAH Analytics Using Sankey Diagram. IJAH Analytics is a website that provides information about herbs and can predict the efficacy of several herbal plant formulations. This research focuses on developing the IJAH Analytics…
Cluster Analysis for SME Risk Analysis Documents Based on Pillar K-Means
MABBI – Research conducted by Irfan Wahyudin, Taufik Djatna, and Wisnu Ananta Kusuma from IPB University entitled Cluster Analysis for SME Risk Analysis Documents Based on Pillar K-Means. In Small Medium Enterprise’s (SME) financing risk analysis, the implementation of qualitative model by giving opinion regarding business risk is to overcome the subjectivity in quantitative model.…
Drug-Target Interaction Prediction in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Case Using Deep Semi-Supervised Learning Model
MABBI – Research conducted by Wisnu Ananta Kusuma, Faldi Sulistiawan, Nabila Sekar Ramadhanti and Aryo Tedjo from IPB University and University of Indonesia entitled Drug-Target Interaction Prediction in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Case Using Deep Semi-Supervised Learning Model Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease of the respiratory system that caused a pandemic in 2020.…