Bio Sugar Production from Algae Spirogyra peipingensis by acid and enzymatic hydrolysis processes

MABBI – Research conducted by Sulfahri; Husain, D.R., Wulandari, D.P., Iskandar I.W., and Wardhani, R. from Universitas Hasanuddin entitled Bio Sugar Production from Algae Spirogyra peipingensis by acid and enzymatic hydrolysis processes.
Spirogyra peipingensis, green algae, is a suitable feedstock for biosugar production. This study analyzes biosugar production by the hydrolysis of S. peipingensis conducted by acid and enzymatic hydrolysis processes. Acid hydrolysis process was conducted by H2SO4 0,2 M acid with various concentrations (0,2,4,6,8, dan 10%). Enzymatic hydrolysis process was held by using amylase enzyme with vary concentrations (0,25,50,75,100 dan 125 KNU). The result showed that the hydrolysis process with H2SO4 acid generates higher sugar concentration than compared with the amylase enzyme. Enzymatic hydrolysis method produces the optimum sugar concentration which is made up 0,45 g/g in adding α-amylase enzyme 50 KNU. In contrast, hydrolysis acid process able to produce the optimum sugar concentration in 0,55 g/g in adding of H2SO4 10% 0,2 M acid. (Tri/MABBI)

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