MABBI – Research conducted by Siti Fatimah, Mohammad Syafii, Siti Zulaeha, Mega Dewi Haristianita and Devit Purwoko from BRIN and Universitas Trunojoyo entitled RNASeq data from Indonesian recalcitrant and non-recalcitrant rice varieties on anther culture.
The assembly of dihaploid rice plants through anther culture was constrained due to the recalcitrant properties. A comprehensive investigation of gene expression patterns among rice varieties with recalcitrant and non-recalcitrant anthers will help to understand the cellular mechanisms and biological processes of recalcitrant properties in rice anther cultures. Therefore, we performed RNA sequencing and analysis on the anthers of three selected Indonesian rice varieties with opposite recalcitrant properties. The varieties are Fatmawati with non-recalcitrant properties, IR64 recalcitrant and Tarabas unknown. The Illumina NextSeq PE150 sequencer was used to generate a total crude nucleotide of approximately 41.21 Gb in size. From 272,239,682 total paired final raw reads, 137,343,391 total net reads were obtained and uploaded to NCBI’s Sequence Read Archive (SRA) repository under BioProject accession number PRJNA856048. This dataset allowed us to identify and profile all expressed genes with functions associated with recalcitrant and non-recalcitrant properties. In addition, the transcriptome data obtained will be valuable for the discovery of potential gene markers and functional SNPs associated with functional traits to assist rice breeding programs through the development of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). (Tri/MABBI)
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