Pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah sabut kelapa sebagai media tanam anggrek bagi pelajar sekolah menengah atas di Kabupaten Manokwari

MABBI – Research conducted by Melissa Sartje Worabay, Agustina Yohana Setyarini Arobaya, and Mathius Beljai from Papua University entitled Pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah sabut kelapa sebagai media tanam anggrek bagi pelajar sekolah menengah atas di Kabupaten Manokwari.
The ex-school program was conducted as early as possible to the pupils and students from many levels of education from kinder garden to the high schools. One of the ex-school activities conducted by study program of diploma in the Faculty of Forestry at University Papua is an extension program on how to use the disposal materials from coconut fiber to create an environmentally friendly pot to grow orchid plants. Method employs in this activity is tutorials and a direct practice that took place in the classroom of the Faculty of Forestry. Participants come from three high schools in Manokwari Regency i.e. SMU Oikumene, SMU Anu Beta Tuba and SMK 3 Conservation Department. Each school sent their 20 students as a representative from their schools. Results from this activity is pots in many size (small, medium and large) and planting orchid on the pot. Orchid plants are collected by academic member during the fieldwork in many areas in Papua and are deposite in the screen house of Fahutan Unipa. (Tri/MABBI)

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