Isolation and Identification of Yeast from Fermented Raisins Extract as Probiotic Candidates

MABBI – Research conducted by Seprianto, Febriana D Wahyuni, Titta Novianti, ON Turnip, and Indra K Saputra from Esa Unggul University entitled Isolation and identification of yeast from fermented raisins extract as probiotic candidates.
Natural yeast is yeast made from natural ingredients, such as fermented fruits and vegetables. Previous studies have proven that using natural yeast in bread fermentation resulted in the higher nutritional composition of bread. This study aims to obtain isolate and identify the types of yeast found in natural yeast from raisin fermentation by classifying the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region. The results obtained three potential yeast candidates, namely RG-PK1, RG- PT1, and RG-PS1 isolates, based on differences in morphology and cell biochemical tests. The three isolates had good DNA purity with a ratio of A260 I 280, with 2.00 for the RG-PK1 isolate, 1.87 for RG-PT1 isolate, and 1.69 for RG-PS1 isolate. The amplification results of ITS sequence using the ITS1 and ITS4 primers for DNA bands were successfully carried out with a size of approximately 600 bp. The Results of BLAST tracing RG-PK1 isolates are identified as Rhodotorula mucilaginous with 99% homology, while RG-PS1 isolates are identified as Candida orthopsilosis with 97% homology. This is reinforced by the phylogenetic analysis results, where each isolate has the closest relationship with the same branch. Microbial consortia found in natural yeast can be developed as probiotic candidates for improving the quality of functional foods. (Tri/MABBI)

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